Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Calling All Ravens

Tuesday April 13 2010

This is a new adventure. The Raven is in Los Angeles. He's on his way to a casting call for a commercial!

He's actually a friend of the Casting Director (a fellow endurance rider), so he's helping her with the casting decisions. He watched the performances on the screen

and he discussed things with his friend.

Here are two of the actors and the Raven in front of the camera!

It was exhausting work. Afterwards, the Raven had a Starbucks.

Tough Suckers!

Saturday April 3 2010

The Raven is back in the saddle. He finished another 50 mile endurance ride in Owyhee! The Tough Sucker. It was cold, the wind was strong; but the trails were great, and the Raven's horse, Jose, was awesome as usual.

Jose and the Raven pose in front of an active Raven nest. The adult Ravens both flew over us to check us out.

At the finish.

The Raven and Jose are buddies. Thanks, Jose!