Ravens will incubate their eggs 18-21 days. Near as we can figure, Aida possibly started laying eggs somewhere around April 13... if so then today would be 21 days, so, any day now the little guests might start to arrive! (Oh, for a nest cam up there.)
Aida probably laid from 4-6 eggs, which will be greenish, and marked with browns and olive. They're about 2 inches in length, about the size of a (yummy) chicken egg.
Normally the female incubates the eggs and Edgar will fly to the nest and feed Aida, but they do switch off occasionally. Sometimes she goes to forage (possibly Edgar has found something yummy, perhaps cow afterbirth), and it's easier for her to fly to the yumyums and eat her fill. He'll sit on the nest while she's gone, and if she's gone too long, he'll start calling for her. One day she didn't answer for quite a while, either she was stuffing her face, or needed a good break!
She will also instantly dart off the nest in pursuit of a nearby predator (hawk) - CawCawCawCaw. Edgar may or may not fly to the nest; he might sit nearby so as to not tip off the hawk to the nest location. Or, he may protectively fly to the nest and pop on it if danger is close.
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